Heading up!

Finally the ropes were helicoptered in to Camp 1 yesterday. This was a super historic event. Up until yesterday no government sanctioned helicopter assistance has ever been made on this mountain. Typically ALL gear, supply, and ropes has been carried up by human strength through the Ice Fall, so this new move makes it a lot safer for all.

Tonight at 1am we will set out through the Ice Fall to Camp 1 for a night, then on to Camp 2 the next day for as many nights as we can tolerate.

Camp 2 is at about 6400m and not a fun place to stay a long time. We have tents and nice food and a dining tent and all that but it's super cold and the altitude really can hit you and drain you. Phil's allowing us an open schedule so if we feel like crap we can just come back down, but the idea is to sleep a few nights there to keep our red blood cells doubling.

Not sure if we will have any connection up there so this could be the last post for a few days. Make sure to follow my GPS tracker though. That'll be working.


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